Solar Solutions for a Brighter, Greener Planet

Join the green energy revolution today

We’ll provide the best Solar Products for your energy requirements.

Residential Solutions

We’ll provide Residential Solutions for your solar set up.

Commercial Solutions

We’ll provide Commercial Solutions for your solar set up.

We’ll provide the best Solar Products for your energy requirements

Residential Solutions

We can provide any size system for your home to suit your needs. You can add batteries which are a great way to ensure that you always have power, no matter what is happening with the grid. Your system can be single phase or 3 phase and we can add hot water and airconditioning to your package. Not sure if your roof is up to scratch? No problem, we can arrange roof restoration as well. We use only the best rated equipment from companies like HT, Jinko and Sungrow.

Commercial Solutions

We can help your business with green energy solutions that will optimise your energy costs and allow you to make a real contribution to the transition to a low carbon economy. We are experts in the solar industry and will design a system that ensures that you have a highly efficient energy system to run your business. Our installers are highly experienced in commercial installation and fit out so you can have peace of mind that your business will flow smoothly without interruption.

Residential Solutions

Solar Panels

Harness the power of the sun with our cutting-edge solar panels. Enjoy clean and sustainable energy for your home while saving on electricity bills. Go solar today!


Optimize your solar power system with our efficient inverters. Convert DC electricity into usable AC power, maximizing energy utilization and ensuring a seamless solar experience for your home. Upgrade to our top-of-the-line inverters now!


Embrace the power of solar panels for your home. Harness the sun’s energy to reduce electricity bills and make a positive impact on the environment. Experience the benefits of clean and sustainable energy with our residential solar solutions.

Commercial Solutions

Solar Panels

Discover the power of solar panels, harnessing clean energy to reduce costs and your carbon footprint. Unleash the potential of sustainable energy for your business with our commercial solar solutions.


Unlock the full potential of your solar system with our cutting-edge inverters. Convert DC power from your solar panels into usable AC power, maximizing efficiency and energy savings for your business.


Maximize your solar investment with reliable and efficient solar batteries. Store excess energy generated by your solar panels to power your business even during grid outages, ensuring uninterrupted operations and reducing reliance on the grid.

Contact us for a free quote.

Please send us your inquiry or give us a quick call to

+61 07 3519 5118 for any information.

Our Brands

Join the Green Energy Revolution!